• Certified Company


  • Certified Company


  • Certified Company


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01634 730053

Which? are a company who have been testing products for the past 60 years, who are now running a scheme called Which? Trusted Traders. This scheme is designed to test businesses to find out which traders actually offer the desired level of professionalism and produce high levels of work. They do this to help domestic and commercial customers to find reputable traders.

In order for traders to get the endorsement from Which? They must be thoroughly checked this includes looking at their credit report, customer satisfaction and business procedures. They must also pass an interview, assessment and report. This means you can trust Which? Trusted Traders endorsement because they will only give it to traders who meet their highest level of standards.

We are proud to say that we are a Which? Trusted Trader certified company.

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Competitively Priced Double Glazing

To get your competitive, free and instant online quote, simply head over to our easy to use online quoting engine. You’ll be able to find a price that suits you in a prompt and efficient way.

Alternatively, if you feel you need more information you can simply get in touch with us via our online contact form. A member of our friendly team will be more than happy to help you.

0% interest across our full range of energy efficient products!

Call now to book your FREE no obligation design and estimate

Home Improvements the Accredited Way

Thanks to our high quality service and the exquisite craftsmanship, we have earned support from Which? Trusted Traders. We currently have a 4.8/5 rating with them. The reviews left by our customers reflect the passion and drive we have for supplying high quality products.

The positive reviews on the Which? Trusted trader page shows the high level of service we offer:

Every step of the process was efficient, everyone was friendly and I wanted to use a local company to do the work. Work done looks amazing and the fitters were lovely”

Our envious track record for supplying and installing high quality home improvements in a time efficient way, professional way is a testimony to how we always strive to be better than the rest. Our customer service is second to none, we also offer aftercare services for peace of mind.

Our Products

uPVC Casement Windows

uPVC casement windows exude a classic charm, effortlessly complementing any home. We are proud to supply and install uPVC casement windows that completely surpass other window designs.

uPVC Sliding Sash Windows

We supply and install sliding sash windows that utilise a market leading uPVC profile design. This allows them to achieve standards of thermal efficiency, security and performance that completely outclass their traditional counterparts. You'll be able to enjoy all the benefits without the setbacks.

Composite Doors

We supply and install exceptional composite doors for all property types, utilising an outstanding design to ensure high quality throughout. Our doors are dedicated to an economically friendly, high-performance design. This allows them to offer a more secure and comfortable home the sustainable way.

uPVC French Doors

French doors are renowned for adding a European flair to any home, featuring a unique flying mullion that offers enhanced space with increased views.

uPVC Patio Doors

Patio doors are a wonderful addition to any home, increasing the amount of space and natural light in any room in which they are installed.

Aluminium Bi-Fold Doors

Aluminium bi-fold doors have an innovative multi panel folding design, meaning they fold neatly away upon opening, providing uninterrupted views and enabling maximum accessibility to interior rooms.


Looking for a quote for your windows and door?

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